Thursday, October 20, 2016


The Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year was "selfie" in 2013. According to, cell phone ownership increased to 91% of adults in 2013 making it even easier to take a picture of oneself. Even though pictures like these were taken before 2013, "suddenly, everybody around the world was using the word, as they self-snapped away," CNN says. With over 57 millin photos bearing the #selfie on instagram even though this term is 3 years old its use has continued throughout many social media platforms. 

Lighting Diagram

Analysis: This project was very challenging because of the amount of reflections in round metal objects. My first attempt at the project was on a chrome piggy bank. Even when switching to the selfie concept the area of angles seen by the metal was difficult to cover. I used a big tent of white to reflect light from all angles. The most difficult part was getting the tent smooth enough so wrinkles would not show up in the reflection. Overall I think the concept is easily understood and even though it took a long time to build the tent the results were very nice. 

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